Legal notice

Terms of Service
This site is for personal use only. The content and the structure of this site is protected by copyright and intellectual property rights. Any reproduction or representation, in whole or part, of any material on the site concerned (including any text, images, iconographic or photographic logo) for other purposes in any media is prohibited. Failure to comply with this prohibition constitutes an infringement may result in civil and criminal penalties.
Informations in this site are non contractual and subject to change without notice.

French legislation
Right to access datas files: any visitor who filed the information on this site directly or indirectly can request disclosure of personal information relating to the site administrator and have them corrected if necessary, in accordance with French law No. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 relating to computers, files and freedoms.

Photo credits: © Séverine Desmarest - All rights reserved

Design and development:

Rémy Leveau

Hosting : OVH France